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Jul 2013

Landscaping & Home Improvement

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One of the ways to improve your backyard is to hire a landscaping crew and have them beautify the yard. Imagine having a nice front or backyard, with all the plants and flowers you wanted, and lush green grass throughout the seasons. It would increase your home value, as well as add to the property’s beauty, and make it an inviting sight for all your guests and family. A beautiful landscape needs to be paired with decorations and other enhancements, such as flowers and trees. There are heavy duty decorations available for purchase at local shops that you can use to add to the home’s value.

Landscape styles vary in their arrangement, as well as the kinds of plant life it has. It is important to build a canopy and use heavy-duty tarps that complement the layout of he yard. You will never be able to appreciate the beauty of the property if the plants are damaged and the canopy is falling apart.

Imagine a barren yard, without plants or decorations. The plants can vary depending on where you live. Most homeowners plant exotic flowers and try to keep their lawns in order, but it’s not very easy to keep everything in working order all year long, specially if there’s a drought or the weather has been particularly harsh. This is where a landscaping team comes in, to redesign your yard, plant flowers, trim the trees, and do everything it takes to make sure the plant life will thrive. There are many things that we forget to take care of when we try to maintain the yard on our own – for example, the pH balance of the soil is hard to keep track of, and so is making sure that the particles are aerated and healthy.

Draft the backyard of your dreams – plants, shrubs, trees, and grass wherever you like. Call in a local landscaping company and see what they can do for you. They are experts, and can enhance the yard beyond your imagination as long as they know what they have to work with. They can guide you accordingly, depending on your budget and the amount of space you have available. The benefits of hiring a landscaping team to do your yard remodeling are countless, and they’re spread out between monetary and psychological effects. Having a professional fix up your yard is worth it in the long-run, and will increase the value of the property, sometimes by as much as 14%

You may consider landscaping on your own, and you always have the option of reading articles, watching tutorial videos, and indulging in a book that shows you how to do the task properly. However, it is always easiest to bring in a professional company who can help you take care of all of your yard’s needs. They can get rid of any insect infestations in the soil, as well as read the warning sins that you may not be able to see. At the end of the day, you can’t beat the result of hiring an expert to do the landscaping for your home, and your home value will rise as a result. You’re practically paying yourself.

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Jul 2013

Beautifying Your Home & Raising The Value

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Every homeowner has had dreams of remodeling their home from the inside out – adding a bigger living room, expanding the house, changing the backyard, adding in a pool, and countless other dreams. Among the cheaper alternatives to fully living out your dreams of changing your home, landscaping is the most effective. Not only will it change the way that people feel as hey walk up to your door, but it will put a hefty amount of change in your wallet if you decide to sell the house in the future. It is an easy way to improve the overall value of the house, as well as add to the curb appeal.

Imagine the feeling of getting home from work one day, setting eyes on a beautiful front yard, and knowing that it’s yours. An attractive front and backyard are also perfect when the spring and summer come around, and family and friends tend to visit more often due to cookouts and parties.

Landscaping in Charlotte varies, and comes in all kinds of styles. Some people prefer to decorate with colorful flowers, while others like to create hills and plant trees. Some may even try to install a pond, and other aquatic features. You don’t always need to fully recreate something – after all, every lawn needs good maintenance. Hiring a cheaper company that belongs to someone who owns a truck, mower, and some tools may seem like a good alternative – after all, if you’re just mowing the lawn, it’s an easy task to do. For more skilled tasks, such as changing the pH balance of the soil, removing weeds, and trimming trees, you may need the help of a professional.

Landscaping teams can do much more than you believe. They can see certain warning signs, and tell you if the plant life is suffering from an insect infestation, as well as improve the overall health of the lawn. They can plant new flowers, trees, and ensure that everything is going according to plan.

Once your lawn is fully taken care of, you can move on to more aesthetic pieces of remodeling, such as buying decorations. While decorating the lawn has an entire series of other factors you should keep in mind, it all starts with the layout of your property, and the plants that thrive on the lawn.

If you have a certain dream yard in mind, you should try drawing it out on a piece of paper, then heading to a landscaping company and sharing your idea. They may know exactly what you’ll need to achieve this, and they’ll be able to tell you what you’ll need to keep in mind as you bring together different types of plants. They’ll be able to trim and maintain every piece of the yard, and even teach you how to take care of certain tasks on your own.

The benefits of hiring a landscaping crew far outweigh the costs. After a while, it will start to pay itself. The increased curb appeal of the home will raise its property value, and if you constantly maintain it, the value will keep rising. All you need to do is pick up a phone, or head to a search engine and look up your local landscaping companies.

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Jun 2013

The Benefits of Landscaping

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In a recent study by Clemson, it was proven that homeowners who wanted to increase the value of a home always consider landscaping, due to its cost-effective method of improving their investments. The study’s results proved that high-quality landscaping earns you enough money to pay you double what you sent on the contractor. The Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association has provided a series of statistics about the effects of landscaping.

• Landscaping could instantly increase the value of your home by 14%

• It can speed up the sale of a property by six weeks

• Landscaped patios tend to increase the home value by 12.4%

• Landscaped front yards can raise property value by 4.4%

If you are not yet thinking of selling your house, there are plenty of other benefits that you can have from landscaping a commercial or residential property. Landscaping can block the view of traffic, decrease the crime rate, and even reduce noise levels. If you’re landscaping a commercial property, it is proven that workers who have a view of trees and flowers feel less stressed and have more job satisfaction.

Special types of plants can even lower your energy bills by as much as 20%, due to providing insulation and shelter from the sun.

The benefits of landscaping are entirely dependent on the company who provides the services – they must be professional and competent, and be able to share their insight on the layout of the property. If you hire an unskilled team and the landscaping isn’t done properly, plants and poor construction can actually turn your home into a liability, and lower the cost. Unskilled maintenance can also ruin your investment and cause it to take a turn for the worst.

Why would you hire a landscaping company?

If you try to do the job yourself and take care of the landscaping and maintenance, you may be saving money – however, you could actually decrease the property value if you do it improperly. To fully maintain the plants, trees, and grass on your home, you have to do more than watering and weeding it occasionally. It requires pruning, the proper soul pH levels, compacting the dirt, adding nutrients, draining excess water, and controlling the bugs and organisms that live in the dirt. Trees have to be maintained in a certain way that is specific to the tree, so that they can grow safely. Sprinkler systems are yet another reason you should bring in a landscaping crew every once in a while – the tricky pipe layouts can easily be damaged by certain plants and digging in the wrong place. Hiring a professional landscaping team will protect your investment, and make sure that the value keeps going up, rather than decreasing over time.

How to pick a landscaping company.

No matter where you live, there are probably many options around you. Depending on your location, the teams may be specially skilled to handle local problems. For example, a desert landscaping company may have expertise with properly watering and enriching the soil in an arid climate. The final decision is always up to you, so you have to conduct your research properly before hiring a team that could actually damage the value fo your home. Not every person who owns a mower, gardening tools, and a truck can properly maintain your yard. Small jobs like mowing a lawn and raking leaves requires little skill, so these may be fine to hand off to a local company. However, if you’re tackling a bigger project that involves digging into the ground and installing new structures, you may be pressed to go with an established professional landscaping company.

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